In The End

When I am old, all that I will remember of my life is you,
How beautiful you looked when we first christened our love,
How amazing you looked the night we first met,
How amazing you looked when we turned one hundred,
How much we laughed, how often I cried,
Don’t worry my love I was never sad not even for a moment.
I was from time to time jealous of my own being,
If I could pick another person to spend another moment with, it would be you,
There is no one more beautiful, no one simpler, and no one more complex,
When I look in the mirror I see you and then me.

Sometimes I spend hours looking for the words,
Hours lost in my dreams, unable to speak the words,
Unable to call out to you, frozen within my speechless thoughts,
For heaven does not name its angels so how could I name mine?
Should I think of my love as an angel or something more?
As there are pretty flowers and bright stars,
But aren’t pretty flowers just flowers and stars just light?
There are angels, preachers speak of them,
And who could speak of perfection, only perfection could speak truthfully of perfection.

There is something more then heaven in your smile,
A place unnamed in this world, a home that a dream can not hope to find,
Dreams are endless as is my love for you; beyond the end there is you,
I will die one day loving you just as I was born destined to love you,
My next words will speak of you as will my last words find peace in speaking your name,
I will die as every man will but I will die fulfilled, without regret or fear,
If heaven is more special then I will wish to visit with you often,
Death will not part us, eternity will comfort us and we will lie upon the earth together,
Young and restless, happy and beautiful, old and content,

When I am old, all that I will remember of my life is you,
All that will be worth remembering is our times together,
The laughter, the tears and the times in between,
This is life, our life; welcome to eternity it began the moment we met,
When I am thousand, all that I will remember of my life is you,
All that I will wish to remember is us,
All that will keep me remembering is you.

Naturally people evolve with time and grow into who we were meant to be. With that in mind, I seek to find a new beginning to my creative pallet and wish to welcome my readers to our home with an ode to love. Hope begins with love. Yes! Hope is an expression of love for oneself, the people around us and the world in which we live. For one to hope we must have reason for such an expression. We must have reason to want for another human being or even the natural world in which we frolic. I believe ‘the wanting’ that we feel is called love. In recreating the expressions within this site I am seeking to create a world of love and hope for everyone who may visit from time to time. The forum section of the website is now working and I am inviting everyone to post their own expressions, photos, thoughts concerning love, and their loved ones.

"In love there is conception, without love there is nothing worth conceving."

I have found reason in equality to hope for a better life for all. The equality I seek to instill in my world does not involve economic or social status. Instead the equality I speak of is one of personal equality. The true measure of our worth should not be in our value within society. Instead we should be measured by the love we feel and the love other’s feel for us. Some would think of my ideas as archaic in design even though the same people would agree that in our final hours we can only hope to be surrounded by our loved ones. The equality I seek to instill in my own heart is defined by acceptance, a blind acceptance of the body as a beginning to a creation’s depth. In other words, I wish to see past a person’s exterior and find the truth of their essence. The equality I wish to have within me is that of an unrelenting love for myself, those whom I love already, and those who I have yet to meet.

"bless me with your presence, invite me into your existence and I will treasure your being"

My true journey as a writer began with the passing of my father whose memory inspired me to begin. I began to write in hope of filling the void left in the wake of his passing. Now I write in hope of honoring the love I feel for so many others in my life and the love they feel for me. When I look back I only hope he found completion in his experiences and that he can see what my love for him has grown into. The following words are not solely just an expression of my love for him as there are others who have inspired my creative juices. The following words are dedicated to my mother, my friends and those who have found a place within my heart undefined by any existing label. They are also dedicated to you my readers who may pass by from time to time without my knowledge. This entire website is a forum dedicated to celebrating love and its many forms. If I have my wish this website, will grow into a community of strangers, friends and incredible people bonded by their sole appreciation for love.

The following words, some new others not so new, will remain here through the end of the year. With the close of summer we begin to look forward to the holiday season beginning with Thanksgiving. Naturally the remainder of the year will bring us closer together as families from every walk of life will come together in celebration. The holiday season may be distant in numbered days but the feelings are already present in our hearts. Sometimes life gets the best of us and we forget to honor our loved ones with a hug or a simple kiss. Maybe we leave words unsaid. Some of us do not realize how lucky we are to have such special people in our lives. Hopefully these words have inspired thought within your heart so much so that we will find the holidays to be a continuation of our everyday celebration of life. Maybe over the next few months we can rewrite history, redefine our own being. Maybe we can reach out to a stranger, befriend a stranger, and learn something from them. Hopefully we can find new reasons to love, new souls to embrace, and in the end grow with one another. Maybe we can give the world hope in our celebrations of love.

I have chosen to move my poetic expressions of love to this page, so that even those passing through for a moment may find something in them. They will remain here, grow here and hopefully I will be adding expressions of love from my readers here. In creating these works over the past fourteen months I have redefined my definition of love. In fact I have found that love is indefinable, immeasurable, and unique to every person. Love is something you feel for another human being mainly because you appreciate their essence. Being in love is something totally different from just loving someone. Being in love with someone is not only appreciating their essence but it's a thirst for that essence which you can not understand or define. Being in love is simply incredible, simply amazing. Being in love is a gift. Loving someone is a gift beyond gratitude. For those who we love, for those whom we are in love with, bring a life to our hearts, soul and minds that last for an eternity and beyond. I hope in reading the following words that you come to appreciate them and find a moment to consider the person in your life they would be meant for. In other words find the time to say thank you to them, hold them, and for the thousandth time tell them how much you love them.

The Start

(will appear in Poetic Journeys)

In the beginning there was me,
A single heart absent of a soul,
A simple heart meant for simple things,
To live absent of greatness,
To live absent of you,
In the beginning there was me.

In the beginning there was me,
A simple man with simple thoughts,
A single heart thirsting for something more,
The rain fell without my appreciation,
The night was for sleep,
The day was for dreaming.

A simple man I happened to be,
Without much knowledge of beauty,
Until I held your hand,
I had never held a sunflower,
Within your palm, I found life,
Within your touch, my life began anew.

A simple man I was of little desire,
Without any thoughts of laughter,
We met under a chilly moon,
With only our hearts, to keep us warm,
You smiled with the shyness of a fairy tale,
Waiting for me to believe.

A simple man I was absent of true belief,
We danced under the stars,
As strangers stood around smiling,
We always found a way to impress people,
Even when we were not noticing,
Lost within you eyes, I missed a lot.

A simple man I was, littered with faults,
You challenged me from the first moment,
To be better then even I,
In my palm, I held perfection,
Like a simple man, I found my knees to be weak,
In your presence, my simple heart found reason.

A simple man I was, littered with holes,
Incomplete without any direction,
By chance, we embraced as lovers do,
Your soul dripped tears of joy into my eyes,
Filling my heart with desire,
Wishing for tomorrow, I wept like a baby.

A simple man I was, a man of little thought,
What did I have to think about?
There was the sunrise and then the sunset,
There were flowers, unpicked in waiting for you,
There was me waiting without knowledge,
In waiting for a beginning..

Good Morning, Good Morning.

Do not wake with me my love, for there is much for me to do,
The tears of my night still remain upon my cheeks,
Tears of joy, of love, taste like water created in heaven,
Happy people laugh, happier people cry, the happiest people cry in laughter.
Reaching for my pen, I wish to create prose from nature’s voice,
But I can not speak with such beauty, so I scribble your name upon my hand and smile,
The day has arrived, the world is still yet to wake, but the sun has begun its journey,
And the birds cuddle upon inviting branches, and sing timidly, hoping not to wake every being,
As they know the beauty that speaks through silence, so they speak only to those who are listening.

Here I am drowning in my thoughts of; all I can do is smile and hope to breathe again,
Good morning my love, peace slumbers within my bed and I dare not make sound,
Good morning my love, beauty decorates my humble home and she even breathes beautifully,
Upon her lips I breathe, upon her lips I lay mine and ask for a million more moments,
Not for me but for her, I am complete and will not ask for more,
The world needs a thousand more souls created by the hands of hope,
Much like you my love, created in hope, created by hope’s vision,
Good morning my love, Good morning my lust,

Never have I spoken such truth in my life as I do now,
I love you like no other, like no other could be loved,
I hold your slumbering hand in mine and caress your slumbering soul,
You have made me into a religious man, a man of religion,
Hollow no more, I have soul, I have spirit, because of you,
What else could a simple man ask for?
Good morning my love, I whisper in silence,
As a complete man, without voice, who needs nothing more than you.
Love, Lust, Hope, Spirit, Heart, Soul, Friendship, Companionship,
The list never ends when you find hope.

To My Smile

Moments of honesty speak silently within my smiling lips,
As I have never smiled as much as I do now.

Tears fall from my delicate eyes, invisible tears, weighted tears,
They drip upon my smile and my smile grows, but they continue to the earth,
Cascading down upon the earth, they bless the ground beneath me,
Invisible to most, only those in love can recognize such a miracle,
Only those who walk amongst the fields of blessed men can recognize such hallowed steps,
That is the steps taken on the road to heaven’s door,
Not the heaven spoken of in Church, but the heaven experienced within the arms of a woman,
Thos who have found heaven upon the earth’s soil know what I speak of,
As I believe fully in the creation embodied within my love,
Her long, sculpting hair wraps around a captivating smile,
The smile that rains upon my chest and awakens my heart,
I was once a breathless man, now my breath has been taken from me,
I do not seek to recapture life, as I have finally found life,
The meaning of life, the meaning of existence,
The meaning of perfection,

Moments of honesty speak silently within my smiling lips,
As I have never smiled as much as I do now.
My lips do not ache, nor does my heart anymore,
I walk amongst a field of blessed men,
Standing taller then everyone else,
We do not speak to one another, we just smile,
Smile for one another, smile in honor of our love,
The love that defines life, the love that fuels existence,
The love whose portrait defines perfection,
The love.

Moments of honesty speak silently within my smiling lips,
As I have never smiled as much as I do now.


Standing upon a ledge constructed in tears, I waver in the crisp winds,
I have been here before, but I enjoy every time as if it is the first,
Standing upon the edge, I have no fears,
For I believe in us, I believe in me, so I leave my heart open to your innocent touch,
There is beauty within your fingers, beauty that soothes my days away,
Upon waking I begin to wish, for the night always seems to far away,
Your arms provide me with a place to call home,
I could cry at the first sight of your smile,
Tears are not always sad; sometimes tears are an expression of appreciation,
As is the case now, here I stand, naked, crying, but I stand complete,
As you my love, standing taller then I, but standing within my shadow, grasping my hand,
I believe in your uniqueness but you somehow believe in mine,
We celebrate one another for who we are, not what we wish to be,
Equally appreciative of one another, we do not see ourselves as two,
Instead we embrace one another as the better half,
You’re my better half, my missing piece,
For I am not myself without you, I am not alive if I am absent of your breath,
How could I breathe if I can not feel?
What should I touch if I am not touching you?
What is worth touching if I your soul is not present?
I am a dreamer; at least I thought I was a dreamer,
I used to dream; now I dream in color, now I have reason to dream,
Purpose to my fantasies,
I have felt your breath upon my neck, felt your arms around my body,
I remember feeling something more, something indescribable,
Now I dream of foreign words, words never uttered prior to this moment,
Words that may be absent even to my lips,
I am dreamer, so I dream of a fairy tale,
In which I could speak of love, but in my fairy tale words of love are not needed,
You will look in my eyes; my eyes will speak of my love for you,
My hands will speak to your skin; they will say thank you if nothing else,
But my lips will whisper into your naked ears, without letters,
They will allow my tears to fall upon your body,
Each tear will speak; each tear will be different then the first,
They will comfort you; help you to smile more,
In the end, in my fairy tale,
They will run the length of your neck, settling upon your heart,
They will find a home there,
In the end they will serve as a reminder and as a blessing,
Your heart will not find discomfort in their presence,
Instead your heart will find them to be soft and peaceful,
Yes your heart will be at peace, as will mine,
You will find my bed of tears to be restful,
They will serve as a reminder of my love,
They will bless you upon waking,
For you will reach for them, love them, never allow them to fall again,
They will be a reminder of where we once were,
Apart, incomplete, two souls divided in presence not destiny,
Two souls blessed with a beginning, two souls blessed without an ending.

The Beautiful Journey (Part I)

Our first nervous kiss allows us to begin,
Begin without true intentions or knowledge of the next step,
A sweet smile, a comforting goodbye,
Our Journey has begun….

Separated in distance, in yesterday,
We remain in simple thought of the present, the creation of a new past,
Can we, could we, if so how?
If I rush you will run,
I remain a careful admirer…

A second date, an interlude followed by another,
Age does not matter in love,
True love takes time, patience,
Love can not be crafted, It just occurs without reason,
I lay awake thinking of you…

Separated in distance but not in thought,
I learn the definition of appreciation from you,
Not wishing to disturb your next smile,
I sit across the room politely listening,
Taking you within, all of your being,
I already love you…

A fourth date, followed with another,
Our present seems to melt into our past,
Everything seems too easy,
Fear creeps in slowly, the distant past shadows us,
Can we, could we, if so how?
I begin falling in love with you…

Separated in distance the gap continues to close,
I wish to know of your deepest thoughts,
We dance, we laugh, and we sit in comfortable silence,
Holding hands listening to the raindrops,
The world continues, we pause,
Our journey towards completion has begun….

What I Am

Do not breathe, do not move,
Allow this moment to last forever.
Look within me; do not look at me,
As when I am with you I am just me,
A soul destined, a heart aching,
A collection of tears and smiles,
That is what I am.

Do not think,
I thought I was simple until now,
Until your eyes, your endless eyes,
Blinded me with their captivating whispers,
Now I am simply amazed by your everyday movements,
I fell in love with the simplest of things,
The way you giggle, the way you smile, for no reason.

Do not ask me to stop crying,
I thought I was satisfied, complete, until now,
Until your lips first quenched my naïve desires,
The earth paused, the sun set twice,
My body shook, my heart shattered in a million little pieces,
I was born again, simply, amazingly, born again,
So my tears smile and fall leaving a collection of memories at my feet.

Call me a fool, but don’t feel bad for me,
I may stutter in your presence, say silly things,
How does anyone find the words to describe their dreams?
I live everyday in honor, in respect, of my fate,
Some wait for Christmas to unwrap presents,
I do not find the need; your heart provides me with the only gift necessary,
For I am man blessed with an eternal gift, everyday magic.

Do not wait for me,
Drift gently, quietly, into your peaceful slumber,
I have things to do, a soul to lie next to,
Overwhelmed by your daily presence I must find a moment, a breath, to myself,
Lay my lips upon those of a slumbering angel, and say thank you,
I am just simply a man in awe of a love he never deserved,
As I am just a man, that is what I am.

First Steps

And then I took my first steps.

Just after our first kiss, I stumbled in shyness,
The words were there but I could not find the courage to speak,
Instead I choose to playfully walk away,
Turned back twice to make sure you were still there,
Was I dreaming? If so could I remain a dreamer?
I had found my present, my future and my forever.

And then I took my first steps.

Just after our first kiss, I sought to wake from my dream,
My lips had touched those of an angel, a creation of fire,
For the first time in my life, I had found my heart to be overwhelmed with desire,
I wanted to stop a thousand strangers and speak to them about you,
How could their lives be complete, how could they speak of beauty?
When they could not speak of you?

And then I took my first steps.

Just after our first kiss, I began my journey home,
With my head in the clouds, my body absent of my feet,
I remembered your eyes, just before our lips meant,
You looked within me, with a tear on your cheek,
I kissed the tear, placed my hand within your palm,
Smiled for the first time and said may I?

And then I took my first steps?

Just after our first kiss, I began my journey home,
Found a quiet beach, under an endless sky of heavenly mirrors,
In every star I saw your smile; in the clouds I traced portraits of you,
Bent down upon the shore, placed my body in the receding waves,
Floated along the crests, whispered to heaven,
Counted every star, numbered my every wish, even though I had only one.

And then with a thankful smile I took my first steps?

Around every corner there is hope, there is a chance for a new beginning, a beginning yet discovered, an ending unwritten, or maybe just maybe there will be no ending. Maybe those who have loved and lost will find true love, timeless love, around the next corner. Maybe we must discover lose to understand the true measure of one’s success, maybe we must find appreciation for what we have to offer to find satisfaction in being bonded. No matter even those who claim to be satisfied in being a singular soul existing within an ocean of souls, seek love in their unspoken words.


When I propose, I wish to propose under a star, on a cloud, on the doorsteps of heaven,
For I am love with an angel, of body, of soul, of defined creation,
When I find the courage, I will be shy,
As I have been, as I need to be, as I wish to be,
For I must be gentle, delicate, in my love for you,
For I am just a creation of dust, I will fade in the coming winds,
Your smile will survive; will inspire a thousand poets,
You will live on and I will love you from heaven’s steps.
My soul is destined to be an admirer of yours,
My soul, my life, I declare, I propose, I promise.

When I reach for you hand, on the edge of endless cloud, on the doorsteps of heaven,
I will be seeking your everyday, seeking your every thought,
I do not wish to be a piece of your day; I wish to be your daydreams, even twenty years from now,
I have danced along the horizon without venturing from our bed,
I have found the seeds to a thousand white roses in your heart,
The rain falls next to me, dries my next step and blesses my last,
For I am extraordinary because of you,
For I am simply, truly, dedicated to being your reason for smiling,
My soul is destined to be an admirer of yours,
My soul, my life, I declare, I propose, I promise.

When I propose, I wish to propose under a star, on a cloud, on the doorsteps of heaven,
I will ask, ask twice, and ask everyday if you wish,
I do not wish to be next to you, I wish for us to be dedicated to one another,
For I am not seeking a lifetime of memories, I am seeking memories, countless memories, everyday,
I wish to be paint your curves, sculpt the essence of your back,
I will greet you with a smile, greet you with a thousand roses if you so desire, greet you with one even if you do not ask,
I wish to be surprising in my love, surprise you with a simple kiss, a simple hug,
I wish to be in love, not just love, set expectations, not meet them,
My soul is destined to be an admirer of yours,
My soul, my life, I declare, I propose, I promise.

When I reach for you hand, on the edge of endless cloud, on the doorstep of heaven,
I am seeking a beginning, promising to have no end,
For I will love you in a million lifetimes, treasure you in my eternal sleep,
I will never say goodbye, just whisper until next time,
For I am an admirer of your every movement, your every thought,
When heaven calls for me, they will call for me with a smile,
For I will speak of us, speak of you, heaven will wish to know of you,
Heaven will wait in reverence, with timeless patience, for your arrival,
On earth, in Heaven, through eternity, my soul is destined to be an admirer of yours,
On earth, in Heaven, through eternity, My Soul, My life, I declare, I propose, I promise.

The Waking

Clouds cover the midnight sky,
The sun waits in hours of rest,
Stars twinkle in shades of white,
Two souls sleep in peaceful slumber,
Eternity beats within their heart,
Timeless love rests amongst two souls,
Moments fall in pieces, within their dreams,
Lust follows them in motionless nights,
Small kisses fall upon quiet foreheads,
Love runs in rivers full of admiration,
Quietly two eyes open without noise,
Tracing the lines of two unforgettable lips,
With remembering, a smile is created,
Lifetimes live in respect of souls,
Four eyes met in morning light,
Two smiles entangle in love,
Kiss me good morning, good night,
Just kiss me, so I may see the light.

My Miracle

Kiss me upon my beating soul,
Hold me until my last breath,
Love me like no other then I,
Walk within my steps of laughter,
For you bring me smiles made of heart.

Do not ask me for another day,
For everyday I Live within you,
Walk A thousand miles east or west,
Do not show me your path of choice,
My heart will know how to follow,

My lips will be saved for your touch,
Kiss me in the middle of my slumber,
Even tired I will wake for you, my soul,
Honor me with your very breath,
Place your hand upon my cheek,
Let me feel the touch of a miracle.

My angel, My little bird, My you.

Love me

Kiss my little fingers with love,
Hold my heart in your care,
Give me yourself my love,
My exploding eyes dance for you,
Your lips will forever be mine,
Love me; I will always love you,

Laugh in respect of my smile,
Call me a fool if you really must,
Show me your empty hand,
Kiss me even when I breathe,
For love fills life with smiles,
Love me: I will always love you.

Chuckle at my kid like smile,
You bring me love in waves,
Show me our hands together,
Touch my shoulder with care,
For love, brings warmth from chills,
Love me and I will always love you.

Falling Flakes

Tracing hands sculpt the soul of beauty,
The answer to prayers of artists,
She seems without a true mirror,
For her eyes do not see the falling snow,
Falling snow covering quiet fields,
She is the sound that comforts you,
As you lay tracing angel’s wings,
With every falling flake you smile,
For within the eyes of a stranger’s beauty,
Lives a beauty known only in admiration,
A softness only found in falling flakes.


Weak knees weaken in endless passion,
Love fills the room with eternal desire,
Years pass beneath blankets of warmth,
Holding my hand within your palm,
Simple moments make love exciting,
Do not ask me where to find heaven,
For heaven is found within your palm.

Love begins with small steps of laughter
Walking slowly with admiration, we pause,
Look with your gentle eyes within my heart,
Do not believe in mirrors for only you I love,
Your smile rests within my smiling heart,
Do not ask me where to find heaven,
For heaven is found within your smile,

Sleeping beneath the stars, I awake,
Hold me within your arms so I may pray,
Give me your love my beautiful queen,
Kiss me with your lips so I may feel heaven,
Place your hand upon my breathless chest,
Give me life in your sweet breath,
Will you show me heaven in your smile?

A life absent of loved ones is a life absent of love itself. We may seek material possessions but true happiness is found in sharing accomplishments not in celebrating them alone in some lonely room. In fact our lives are a series of impressionistic moments either lost in the busyness of our everyday lives or enjoyed in the simple-ness of our hearts. Being in love is simple when the love we share is true.


Sleeping within your arms, I dream,
Holding your soft hands, I breathe,
Looking within your eyes, I melt,
Breathing within your lips, I fall,
Caressing your beautiful heart, I love,
Tickling your never-ending soul, we laugh,
Making love in cold rain, we find warmth,
Growing old in rocking chairs, we find life,
Finding eternity within you, I find love.

Hello and Goodnight

Hello my angel, kiss me,
Guide me into you beautiful lips,
Give me your smile of beauty,
Make me feel your eternal soul,
Take me within your arms,
Make love to me in the light,
For our hands remain in unison,
Touch me in the fading night,
While my eyes struggle in tiredness,
Goodnight my angel, keep me awake,
For my last kiss waits for the morning.

Calls From Home

The wind rushes upon me with voices,
Waves crash upon my waiting sails,
Rain falls hiding the fading sun,
Everything seems lost except for my home,
My heart guides me upon crashing shores,
My home is my baby, where I must go.

Lost in my thoughts I sail alone,
Your beauty warms my drenched soul,
Hold me in my hour of need,
For my love remains endless in time,
Guide me into the light of day,
My home is my baby, where I must go.

Your eyes caress my cold shivers,
Everywhere I turn, I feel your hands,
Hold my fingers in our passion,
The wind carries your voice with love,
So hear me now in my toughest moment,
My home is my baby, where I must go.

Sailing amongst deep seas towards the shallow,
My love could fill moons of water,
Your leg touches mine in my dreams,
My hands run across your waiting back,
Still amazed after all of these years,
My home is my baby, where I must go.

The night fades into the waiting night,
Your star stands north, guiding me,
You my angel, I will kiss you goodnight,
Just listen in the wind for my love,
Will you marry me again tonight,
My home is my baby, where I must go.


Sitting in stillness my prayers remain,
My wishes fall from my empty lips,
Kiss my cold cheek in warmth,
Show me the visions of my desires,
For you will forever be my thoughts,
Guide me with your happy feet,
Show me how to walk, even without you.
Love never fades nor remains in quiet,
For even with the passing days of tears,
Thoughts of you remain, my friend,
Hold me with your caring, precious hands,
So I may fall asleep into my waiting dreams,
So I may remain, sitting in prayerful stillness.

A Small Man

The sun rises in empty lands,
Greeting a single blooming flower,
A small man sits quietly in thought,
The wind blows gently upon his lips,
Quiet he rest his weary head quietly,
He looks in the distance for nothing,
The grass seems barren below his feet,
He laughs from time to time in thought,
Thinking of his days gone by in earnest,
His smile falls upon the tear soaked ground,
He laughs; even in separation he finds love,
For his feet remain in empty motion,
His hands remain searching in the mist,
Reaching in sadness, he remains steady,
Hoping the fog may be covering his dreams,
A small man sits quietly in thought,
As the sun rises in empty lands,
Greeting a steady man, standing in place.


Blue waves crash upon crystal shores,
Rain falls upon my outstretched hands,
Stars sprinkle in daylight,fulfilling dreams,
Rainbows grow from my open hands,
Snow covers me in summer’s heat,
Miracles caress my aching body,
Then I wake without a pause,
Looking within your sleeping eyes,
All of my dreams seem small,
For one dream, slumbers within my arms.

Some argue that love is a difficult ride full of bumps not friendly to those who share said love. I disagree with those who seek to challenge the ease of love as love itself never seeks to destroy such bonds. In fact those who survive the challenges presented to us survive solely through the strength shared within their heart and the hearts of those whom they love. Think of our soldiers who may be scared while in harms way, they fight for their loved ones. Think of our loved ones, our friends, who accept the challenges presented to them and persevere in glory. How could any of us be witness to the world around us without seeking the strength of our love to persevere? Is love difficult or is life difficult?


Paused in reflection, embraced in gratitude,
I am smiling even though you can not see my smile from where you stand.
Indeed I am grateful for the moment, ask me to humble and I will not be greedy,
Instead I will cherish this kiss and understand my place,
An admirer on a long line full of admirers,
Men dream of beauty and then they find their dreams to be silly,
One glimpse, one simple glimpse, and beauty is redefined.

I am young in years but wise in thoughts,
In my travels I have found beauty in the simplest of moments,
In the solitude of an appreciative moment,
I have found beauty to be slow and rewarding,
Now a moment from your lips I find beauty to be exciting and humbling,
Close enough to feel your touch; embraced into your depth I feel your breath upon my lips,
I am naïve to heaven’s fingertips but I feel I may be experiencing the touch of eternity’s home,
One glimpse, one simple glimpse, and beauty is redefined.

As I pull away my body shivers in nervous tones,
Looking within in your eyes, a moment parted from your lips,
I begin to travel an unfamiliar road into a depth I have only dreamed of,
Your eyes are inviting, dramatic and warm,
When words return to my silent lips my heart will have settled within your soul,
My travels into your depth are rewarding, so the journey seems short,
One glimpse, one simple glimpse, and beauty is redefined.

An ending of sorts is what I seek, an ending to the moment,
My lips beg my heart to find perfection and deliver it to your essence,
They seek to reunite with your inviting lips once again,
But will pause at the feet of your existence and ask permission to return,
Unsure of my fate I whisper upon your forehead with my lips,
Wish you a perfect night and lay my lips upon your forehead,
When I wake everything will seem different, for it only took a glimpse.

One glimpse, one simple glimpse and beauty was defined.


I have no need to speak; you answer my questions without being asked,
In your smile I see eternity, so I have no need to ask when,
In your laugh I hear eternity, so I have no need to ask how,
Laugh for me my love; smile for me my beauty,
Grant me a moment beyond any I deserve to experience,
I am eternally yours and I am eternally grateful,
My heart smiles in your presence,
My soul tears whenever life takes us from one another,
I am incomplete without you, definitively complete within your arms,
I am a circle, defined by my ever changing shape,
But I have no ending, no beginning,
Only room to grow,
For every time you breathe, my heart grows in its affection,
Your breath defines reason, for what would my world be without you?
It would be empty of light, empty of color,
You are my rainbow, for I love you in so many ways,
As my friend, I treasure holding your hand within mine,
As a woman, I hold your curves in the deepest of regards,
As a lover, I see our moments together as my reason for existing,
I could survive without you, but I live because of you,
I have found life in my hopes for our future,
Found reason to carry on in spite of my tired eyes,
I lie awake now, in the midst of a long night,
Dreaming of you, writing about you,
I will remain awake, hoping to surprise you in the first moments of the morrow,
Under a new sun, in the glory of a new day,
My days begin with you, I day dream of you,
My nights end with you, my last thoughts before I fade into slumber are of you,
My dreams are defined by your presence, I dream of you often, always,
I begin with thoughts of you, dream of you just before I wake,
You complete me.

What is love?

A simple question of such depth, that if I was to live a thousand lifetimes I could not fully answer such a question. The definition of love transcends even itself as it grows with every waking day. Love is indescribable, unwavering and dedicated. As those who we love do not fade into yesterday, they endure along with the memories of our encounters. Love is something that challenges us to be better then who we once were. Love is something that completes our existence. And when you think it can not get any better somehow it does.

Yesterday seems hazy,
I thought of you as beautiful then, but see you as much more now,
I am more alive then yesterday, even a day older, a moment closer to heaven,
I am more alive and I have your smile to thank for that.

Our lives have taken us in different directions, as they do everyday,
But I am looking forward to seeing you again, for the thousandth time, for the first time,
The smile within my eyes speaks at the first sight of you,
It whispers to the angel standing in front of me,
And traces the curves of your wings will every other word past the first,
When my words fall silent there is no need to speak,
As I am just lost within my dreams, again, for the first time, again,
Yesterday seems hazy, yesterday seems lost, I am lost,
And I have your smile to thank for that.

Refer to me as man if you wish, I see myself as a quote without an end,
Sailing amongst an endless lake under a moonlight day,
I sail in every direction without cause, inspired to just be, where do I go from here?
I have been to heaven, for I have held your palm within mine,
I have been to the top of the shortest mountain and found the view amazing,
For you have blessed my bed with your soul, laid next to me for hours and just laughed,
From my bed, through the frost bitten window, we searched the endless sky, wished upon every star,
That two people much like us, could find each other and feel what we have,
And then I remembered something ordinary, me and something extraordinary, you, And I have your smile to thank for that.

What happened to yesterday as it seems hazy,
I though of you as perfect, as beautiful as I always do,
My perpetually memories seem to continue, I’m living every day over again,
And I have your smile to thank for that.

A simple question of such depth, that if I was to live a thousand lifetimes I could not fully answer such a question. The definition of love transcends even itself as it grows with every waking day. Love is indescribable, unwavering and dedicated. As those who we love do not fade into yesterday, they endure along with the memories of our encounters. Love is something that challenges us to be better then who we once were. Love is something that completes our existence. And when you think it can not get any better somehow it does.